Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Must Read: 7 Signs You’ve Got Healthy Semen

If you exercise, eat fish, and properly pack your leftovers, your sperm is already in great shape Are your swimmers paddling up to par? There’s no easy way to gauge the quality of your semen just by looking at it, so you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your doc to find out for sure. But while you wait, here are scientific signs that suggest you’ve got strong sperm. How many can you cross off?

1. You Sculpt a Lean Midsection

Actually, you don’t even have to boast a six-pack—as long as you don’t have a gut, your semen is probably in tip-top shape. Researchers from the Netherlands found that men with a waist circumference of 40 inches or greater had lower sperm concentrations and counts of normal-moving sperm than guys with a more whittled waist. The researchers aren’t exactly sure why a spare tire is bad for your swimmers. But they believe carrying too much weight—especially around your midsection—may interfere with the release of sex hormones, as well as the production and development of sperm.

2. You Don’t Look Like Don Draper

Good news, average-looking guys! Having a masculine mug might actually hurt you down below the belt, according to a new study. Spanish and Finnish researchers recently discovered that men who had faces that were rated as manly—i.e. wider and broader—tended to have poorer semen quality than more feminine-faced guys. One possible reason: a theoretical explanation called the “tradeoff hypothesis.” Simply put, men have a fixed amount of energy available to devote to reproductive resources. And that energy must be distributed to a number of different components. “So, if a male consumes more resources on semen production, he may have fewer resources available for developing attractive secondary sexual traits, like facial masculinity,” says study author Jukka Kekäläinen, Ph.D.

3. You’re a Fish Man

Quick, think of your favorite go-to protein: is it red, salty, and processed? If so, your semen might be paying the price. Harvard University researchers found that men who ate the most processed meat had significantly lower counts of normal-shaped sperm compared to those who consumed the lowest. Fish, on the other hand, seemed to have a protective effect. Guys who ate the most fish—especially dark-meat kinds like salmon and tuna—had a 65 percent greater sperm concentration than those who ate the least. Credit fish’s omega-3s, since long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids play a part in sperm production, the researchers say. So if you’re looking to strengthen your swimmers, sub out your pepperoni topping for some anchovies.

4. You Scorn the Tighty Whities

Here’s another reason briefs might feel a bit on the constricting side: they could be suffocating your sperm, too. A 2012 study from the U.K. found that men who wore boxer shorts instead of tight-fitting underwear were 24 percent less likely to have a low-motile sperm count. Motility, or how sperm swims, is important, because sluggish sperm can have difficulty reaching the egg to successfully fertilize it. “Loose-fitting underwear may result in lower scrotal temperatures compared to tight-fitting underwear, hence an improvement in semen quality,” says study author Andrew Povey, Ph.D. There’s also evidence that elevated testicular temperatures may hinder sperm production, he says. So if you want to be on the safe side, let your junk breathe.

5. You Hit the Gym

Researchers from Harvard found that men who got their blood pumping in moderate to vigorous exercise 15 hours or more a week had a sperm concentration that was 73 percent higher than guys who didn’t work out at that intensity at all. Not only does exercise help tamp down your weight—which can affect reproductive health—but it may also increase the expression of antioxidants throughout your body, the researchers believe. So regular gym sessions could actually prevent free radicals from damaging sperm cells. And once you get back from breaking a sweat, resist the urge to flop down on the couch and go channel surfing. The researchers also found that guys who watched TV more than 20 hours a week had a sperm concentration that was 44 percent lower than those who kept the boob tube off.

6. You Speak in Falsetto

Okay, maybe not quite that shrill—just not a low, throaty growl. Men with those kinds of voices tend to have worse-off sperm, according to a University of Western Australian study. Researchers found that while women did rate the low-pitched voices as more masculine and attractive, those husky-voiced men had lower concentrations of sperm in their ejaculate. Testosterone levels may be one possible explanation for this, according to study author Leigh Simmons, Ph.D. Testosterone is associated with more masculine facial features and lower voices, but too much of it might actually suppress sperm production.

7. You Don’t Nuke Your Leftovers in Plastic

Zapping last night’s lasagna in a Tupperware container is easy, but it might be wreaking havoc on your sperm. You can thank bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical that can leach from plastics into your food when heated—and then into you. Researchers from Denmark found than men who had the highest levels of BPA in their urine had a significantly lower percentage of motile sperm than those who had the lowest levels. The scientists aren’t exactly sure what’s behind the semen squeeze, but they think the BPA might affect the estrogen and androgen activity in the epididymis in the testicles. And this, they believe, can hinder the normal development of sperm. So before you nuke your lunch, take the 5 seconds to transfer it from a plastic container to a glass one.

12 Amazing Foods to Combat Anaemia

One of the common disorders, anaemia, is caused when the red blood cell count or absorption of haemoglobin in the blood is at a shortfall. Haemoglobin supply oxygen to all parts of the body, and there are a number of reasons that cause anaemia. Deficiency of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are some of the main reasons of inception of anaemia. Females are more prone to this disorder. Here are some super foods that can cure the problem of anaemia, moderately.
1. Spinach
This popular leafy vegetable is superb in iron, fibre, vitamin A, B9, C and E, beta-carotene, and calcium contents. It is necessary to nourish your body with half cup of spinach every day to get approximately 20% of iron nutrients. It is an essential diet, especially for women as they are more prone to anaemia. Other green legumes that can render the same benefits are broccoli, kale, lettuce, and watercress.
2. Red Meat
If you are a non-vegetarian, red meat, such as beef, chicken and ham, can prove to be a great source that can provide you high amount of heme iron, which is much easier to be absorbed by the body. According to some researches, beef fulfils more than 600% of the daily iron needs of the body.
Seafood is equally excellent to combat anaemia. Salmon, tuna, oyster, and mussels are all loaded with iron.
3. Oatmeal
Just two tablespoons of oatmeal can give 4.5 mg of iron contents to the body. They too contain phytic acid, and hence; it is prudent to buy ‘iron fortified’ oatmeal. Fortified oatmeal also includes B-12 and a great quantity of other B-vitamins.
4. Peanut
Simply consume a handful of peanuts every day to fulfil the daily requirements of iron. Else, peanut butter will also perform the same. Eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of juice (especially orange juice) every day in breakfast to enrich yourself with 0.6 mg of iron.
There are various other nuts as well that can provide iron, like prunes, raisins, dried apricot, dried peaches, almonds, figs and dates.
5. Eggs
To stock up high amount of antioxidants, proteins, and vitamins in the body, when you are anaemic, make sure that you have not overlooked to incorporate egg in your daily diet. An egg can render 1 mg of iron, and hence; having it every day will give you a munificent supply of dietary nutrients with a small amount of calories. To increase the assimilation of iron in the body at a rapid speed, have a glass of orange juice with an egg as vitamin C in orange acts as an ascorbic acid. Egg will not only cure anaemia, but will also make your bones and muscles sturdy.
6. Whole Grain Bread
A slice of whole grain bread is said to provide 6% of the daily iron needs of the body. It also contains phytic acid (iron inhibitor), but breads are made after fermenting the wheat flour, which reduces the phytic acid, automatically. Whole grain breads are a very good source of non-heme iron, which is needed to curb anaemia. Other whole grain products, like pastas, cereals, and rice are also effective for this purpose.
7. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are believed to supply iron to the blood, and in that way, it can treat anaemia. Pomegranate has vitamins, iron, fibre and potassium with which, you can keep up the healthy blood flow.
8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C that is effective in treating anaemia. Drink a glass of raw tomato juice every day to get nutrients, like beta-carotene and vitamin E. Remember not to take any aerated or caffeinated drink with this as it can obstruct the process of iron assimilation in the body.
9. Beans
When it comes to iron rich foods, beans of any variety, like soy, kidney, navy, lima, lentil, and pinto tops the list. One cup of any of these beans can give 5 mg of iron. However, it is necessary to cook them properly to enjoy their benefits. Beans contain phytic acids that are responsible in curtailing the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, it is requisite to soak beans overnight, before cooking them. Additionally, beans are also enriched with high protein and low fat, which also proves to be effective in waning anaemia.
10. Apple and Dates
These fruits are also useful in boosting the level of iron in the body. The vitamin C in apples can help in the absorption of iron. Dates are themselves rich in iron, and thus; helpful in treating anaemia.
11. Honey
Honey is extremely effectual and vital for the entire body. If you intake 100gms of honey, you will be enriched with 0.42 mg of iron. Besides, the magnesium and copper in honey can increase the level of haemoglobin in the body. A glass of fresh lemon juice mixed with honey in the morning can efficiently fight anaemia.
12. Beetroot
Beetroot is an effective blood purifier and is considered among the best ways to avert anaemia. Fresh juice, cooked vegetable, or as salad, beetroot is great in any of the forms. It contains a good amount of iron content. The nutrients in anaemia re-activate and re-establish the blood cells. Red beetroot is the best to treat anaemia.

10 Natural Sleep Remedies

Get the Sleep You Need

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than one-third of U.S. adults routinely sleep fewer than seven hours a night. That’s bad news because the benefits of adequate sleep range from better heart health and less stress to better memory and weight loss.
Stop loading up on caffeine or sneaking naps and use our top tips to help get the shut-eye you need to manage your health.
  1. Develop a Sleep Routine
    It might seem tempting, but sleeping until noon on Saturday will only disrupt your biological clock and cause more sleep problems. Going to bed at the same time every night–even on weekends–helps set your internal sleep-wake clock and reduces the amount of tossing and turning required to fall asleep.
  2. Move It!
    Researchers in Northwestern University’s Department of Neurobiology and Physiology reported that sedentary adults who got aerobic exercise four times a week improved their sleep quality from poor to good. These former couch potatoes also reported fewer depressive symptoms, more vitality, and less sleepiness in the daytime. Be sure to wrap up your workout several hours before bedtime so that you’re not too revved-up to get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Change Your Diet
    Cut out the food and drinks that contain caffeine—such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate—by late afternoon. Make dinner your lightest meal and finish it a few hours before bedtime. Skip spicy or heavy foods, which can keep you awake with heartburn or indigestion.
  4. Don’t Smoke
    A study found that smokers are four times more likely not to feel as well rested after a night’s sleep than nonsmokers are. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine attribute this to the stimulative effect of nicotine and the nighttime withdrawal from it. Smoking also exacerbates sleep apnea and other breathing disorders which make it difficult to get restful sleep.
  5. Say “No” to a Nightcap
    Alcohol disrupts the pattern of sleep and brainwaves that help you feel refreshed in the morning. A martini may help you doze off initially, but research in the journal  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research shows that once it wears off, you’re likely to wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep.
  6. Become a Luddite an Hour Before Bedtime
    A National Sleep Foundation (NSF) survey found that nearly all participants used some type of electronics like a television, computer, video game or cell phone within the hour before bed. That’s a bad idea. Light from these devices stimulates the brain, making it harder to wind down for sleep. Put your gadgets away an hour before bedtime to fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly.
  7. Hog the Bed
    A study performed by Mayo Clinic’s Dr. John Shepard found that 53 percent of pet owners who sleep with their pets experience sleep disruption every night. More than 80 percent of adults who sleep with children have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. Kids and dogs are the biggest bed hogs and some of the worst sleepers. Both deserve their own sleeping space—and you deserve yours. Make kids and dogs sleep in their own beds.
  8. Keep It Temperate, Not Tropical
    Eighty degrees may be great for the beach, but it’s lousy for the bedroom. A temperate room is more conducive to sleeping than a tropical one. The NSF recommends a temperature between 54 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Striking a balance between the thermostat, the bed covers, and your sleeping attire will reduce your core body temperature and help you drift off to sleep.
  9. Go For a Black-Out
    Light tells your brain that it’s time to wake up, so make your room as dark as possible for sleep. A recent study from The Ohio State University in Columbus found that even a small amount of ambient light from your cell phone or computer can disrupt the production of melatonin and overall sleep.
  10. Make Your Bed a Restricted Area
    Your bed should be associated with sleep and sex—not work, food, or TV. If you wake up during the night, skip turning on your computer or TV and do something soothing like meditating or reading until you feel sleepy again.

== Video: SRK answering questions at the Twitter HQ ==

What does ShahRukh really want as a Birthday Gift? Watch here what he answered - it's amazing!

Tips for a Flat Belly

You’d love to have a flat belly for the party tonight, but thanks to one too many sodas or that basket of tortilla chips, zipping your pants is a real struggle. Abdominal bloating not only looks bad, but can cause physical discomfort. The good news? Experts say stomach bloating is a condition you can avoid pretty easily.
We’re not talking about extra pounds of stomach fat here, but the temporary abdominal distention that plagues most everyone from time to time. Unless your stomach bloating is because of a medical condition, such as liver or heart disease, the only real cause is intestinal gas not “water weight,” says Michael Jensen, MD, an endocrinologist and obesity researcher at Mayo Clinic.
“It is a myth that bloating in the stomach is from fluid accumulation in healthy adults, because the abdomen is not a place where fluids accumulate first,” Jensen says. “Instead, you would see it in your feet or ankles as long as you are upright.”
So what causes gas to accumulate and wreak havoc on how you feel and look? Experts say there are several causes, from food intolerances to constipation.

Flat Belly Tip No. 1: Avoid Constipation.

Too little fiber, fluids, and physical activity can lead to constipation, which can result in bloating, Jensen says.
To avoid this, eat a diet high in fiber (25 daily grams for women and 38 for men) from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Also, drink plenty of fluids (aim for 6-8 glasses a day) and aim for physical activity for at least 30 minutes, five times a week.
If you’re eating a low-fiber diet, gradually bump up the fiber level, making sure you also drink plenty of fluids for better tolerance.

Flat Belly Tip No. 2: Rule Out Wheat Allergies or Lactose Intolerance.

Food allergies and intolerances can cause gas and bloating, but these need to be confirmed by your doctor. Many people self-diagnose these conditions and unnecessarily eliminate healthy dairy and whole grains from their diets. If you suspect you have an allergy or intolerance, see your doctor for tests.
You may benefit from reducing the amount of the suspected food and/or eating it with other foods. In the case of dairy, it can help to choose aged cheeses and yogurts, which are lower in lactose.

Flat Belly Tip No. 3: Don’t Eat Too Fast.

Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
So slow down and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 30 minutes. Also, keep in mind that digestion begins in the mouth, and you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more, Blatner says.
There’s another benefit to slowing things down: When you take your time to thoroughly chew and taste your food, your snack or meal becomes more satisfying. And studies have shown that if you eat more slowly, you may end up eating less.

Flat Belly Tip No. 4: Don’t Overdo Carbonated Drinks.

The fizz in carbonated drinks (even diet ones) can cause gas to get trapped in your belly, Blatner says.
Instead, drink water flavored with lemon, lime, or cucumber. Or just reduce the number of fizzy drinks you consume each day. Try some peppermint tea for a soothing beverage that may help reduce bloat.

Flat Belly Tip No. 5: Don’t Overdo Chewing Gum.

Chewing gum can also lead to swallowing air, which can cause bloating.
If you’ve got a gum habit, alternate chewing gum with sucking on a piece of hard candy or eating a healthy, high-fiber snack like fruit, vegetables, or lower-fat popcorn.

Flat Belly Tip No. 6: Watch Out for Sugar-Free Foods.

“Many of my patients suffer from bloating because they consume too much sugar alcohol in artificially sweetened foods and drinks,” which can lead to bloating, Blatner says.
Experts recommend consuming no more than 2-3 servings per day of artificially sweetened foods and drinks.

Flat Belly Tip No. 7: Limit Sodium.

Highly processed foods tend to be high in sodium and low in fiber, both of which can contribute to that bloated feeling, Jensen says.
Get in the habit of reading food labels, Blatner advises. When buying processed, canned, or frozen foods, shoot for no more than 500 mg of sodium per serving in any product — or a total of 2,300 mg of sodium per day.

Flat Belly Tip No. 8: Go Slow with Beans and Gassy Vegetables.

If you’re not used to eating beans, they can cause that gassy feeling. So can the cruciferous family of vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
That doesn’t mean you should give up on these super-nutritious, high-fiber vegetables.
“Don’t be nervous about beans,” Blatner says. “Just work them into your diet slowly until your body adjusts to the compounds that can initially cause gas.”
Or, you can take an enzyme product like “Beano,” which can help reduce gas from beans or vegetables.

Flat Belly Tip No. 9: Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Instead of three big meals per day, try eating smaller meals more often. This can keep you free of the bloated feeling that often follows large meals (think Thanksgiving). Eating more frequently can also help control blood sugar and manage hunger.
So go for five to six small meals each day, but make sure the quantity of food and calories are proportionate to your needs. To create a daily meal plan that includes the recommended amounts of all major nutrients, visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “mypyramid” web site.

Flat Belly Tip No. 10: Try Anti-Bloating Foods and Drinks.

A few studies suggest that peppermint tea, ginger, pineapple, parsley, and yogurts containing probiotics (“good” bacteria) may help reduce bloating.
“These are safe foods that are good for you when used appropriately, so why not try them and see if they help you de-bloat?” says Blatner, author of The Flexitarian Diet.

A Final Word About Stomach Fat

Experts agree that laxatives, water pills, fasting, and skipping meals are not recommended, either to help you de-bloat or lose weight.
If you’re looking to flatten your belly for the long term, there’s no substitute for losing a few pounds, Jensen says.
“For most everyone, when you lose total body fat, your body reduces belly fat preferentially,” he says. “Even though people lose weight differently, there is a little more lost in the abdominal region than elsewhere.”
Experts also say that doing ab exercises all day long won’t get rid of the excess belly. Although you can’t necessarily spot reduce, you can strengthen abdominal muscles with routines like Pilates and exercise ball workouts. And, stronger muscles can help your belly appear flatter.
“Toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles can help you look less fat [and] improve your appearance, muscle tone, and posture, which is also very good for your back,” Jensen says.

The Avengers 3 Could Be Split Into Two Movies, Says Report

It’s not an unusual concept, but it’ll be the first time we see it in the Marvel Universe. According to Daily Marvel EliteThe Avengers 3—remember, the second Avengers movie isn’t even out yet—will be split up into two movies. We’ve seen this practice often over the past decade or so, particularly with finales; we saw it in Harry Potter, while the closing chapter of The Hunger Games has also been split up.
The first part of The Avengers 3 will apparently hit theaters in May 2018 and will conclude one-year later in 2019. That’s just one possibility, however. Sources speaking to the site say Marvel studios could fit the The Avengers 3 into a single film, and then follow that up with a “massive event movie” with the heroes from Guardians of the Galaxy. There have been rumors about the two brands merging, and what better way to do it than to conclude with a huge battle against Thanos?
It doesn’t appear a final decision has been made, though a roadmap has been set. Daily Marvel Elite says The Inhumans could feature in the untitled Avengers/Guardians movie, “as well as other characters not yet introduced to moviegoers.” Thanos was originally teased in the first Avengers movie, and got some light screen time in Guardians of the Galaxy. It sure sounds like Marvel Studios wants to save him for “Phase 3” of the Marvel movies.
We won’t know what’ll happen for some time, though we have Age of Ultron to look forward to when it lands in theaters on May 1, 2015.

Check out: Aamir, Ranbir, Deepika, Alia, Ranveer on Vogue cover

Earlier we had reported about how Ranbir Kapoor along with many Bollywood celebrities have decided to pledge for women empowerment through the latest initiative from Vogue titled #VogueEmpower. Now, we have got a glimpse of the latest cover of the magazine for this month's edition. In a bid to promote their campaign, the October edition of Vogue has more than five popular celebrities who feature on the cover which includes Aamir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone, Kangna Ranaut, Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, A R Rahman among others. 

Talking about the cover, the celebrities pose in shades of red, black, purple that proves to be a perfect contrast to the white background. Among the divas, DeepikaPadukone is seen in a red thigh high slit gown designed by Prabal Gurung. The actress had pledged to support the initiative along with her friend and filmmaker Homi Adajania. On the other hand, Kangna Ranaut who is celebrating womanhood through her films like Queen posed in a pretty black embroidered Alexander McQueen Fall 2014 gown with feather detailing. While these two actresses are establishing their niche in Bollywood, from the younger brigade, Vogue cover had the vivacious and multi-talented Alia Bhatt who posed for the magazine in a Zac Posen mermaid gown. 

When it comes to the boys, while Ranbir Kapoor posed in black suit with the pink tee adding the pop of colour, Karan Johar opted for a red blazer with velvet touch. Aamir Khan kept it simple with white shirt and checkered sleeveless waistcoat and Ranveer Singh opted for a plum shade suit. A R Rahman too posed in a black-n-white suit. 

Apart from them, the others who posed for the cover included journalist Barkha Dutt, social worker and author Sudha Murthy and Executive Director and Chief Brand Officer of Godrej Group, Tanya Dubash who represent the image of contemporary modern women.


A still from Alia Bhatt: Genius of the Year.

Actress Alia Bhatt might know that John Logie Baird invented television and that Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, but she still isn't entirely sure who Prithviraj Chavan is.

We asked her to name the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, the state she is a resident of. "Prithiviraj Chauhan," she answered confidently and was horrified to learn that Mr Chavan (not Chauhan, Alia) resigned just days ago after the Nationalist Congress Party or NCP withdrew support to the Congress government in the state. "He resigned?" Alia squealed. 

"Ask me about Narendra Modi," she implored, "I watched his speech at Madison Square. I know he spoke about sanitation. I watched his speech at Central Park also where he said 'Hugh Jackman live strong' or something like that." 

Until the last season of Koffee With Karan, Alia was under the impression that Mr Chavan (or Chauhan, as she insists on calling him) was the President of India. She was corrected on the show by host Karan Johar and fellow guest Sidharth Malhotra, both equal parts shocked and entertained by Alia's giggling ignorance of basic general knowledge. 

Social network humour instantly became Alia Bhatt-centric. The actress, however, had the last laugh with a cleverly crafted self-deprecating short film starring Alia as Alia. In the video, titled Alia Bhatt: Genius of the Year, the Highway star goes to a 'brain gym,' trains intensely and hilariously (Faraday! Baird! Lithium, Chlorine, Fluorine!) and finally flexes mental muscle on a fictional version of Koffee With Karan.

While most folks applauded, some accused the 2 States actress of having paid to have the film made - an accusation she denied to NDTV, speaking at the launch of her new collection of clothes for Jabong. "The AIB boys (the makers of the film) got really offended. It's stupid. You do something to have fun and people are saying that. One of them actually tweeted saying that; yes Alia did pay me a lot of money, just bought an island.' That's our answer. We did it for fun. I did their first video which was a spoof on Ishqwala Love, so I've always been up for making fun of myself," Alia said.

A diet of newspapers was what Alia was prescribed in the tongue-in-cheek film. Plainly, she hasn't been able to stick to it and now needs to cut down on the fashion magazine carbs again.

EXCLUSIVE: Daily Box Office Report:Part 3Box Office Report Card Of 2014, Top 18 Films At Box Office With Final Verdict!


Monday, 29 September 2014

And Farah Khan tweeted too :

"V all trying to spell SLAM by the way!!" along with this very sweet group picture of Shah Rukh Khan and the SLAM! team